Web Lvg tool is a suite of text utilities that can generate, mutate, and filter out lexical variants from the given input. This tool is known as Lexical Variants Generation (Lvg) and run on web browser. Detail step by step instructions are provided as follows:
Access the URL of web Lvg tool
The following input options are available for Lvg.
The web page for input options (as shown below) can be accessed by clicking on the input option link:
The following global behavior options are available for Lvg.
The web page for global behavior options (as shown below) can be accessed by clicking on the input option link:
In Lvg, individual transformations are represented by flow components which are collected into flows. A flow may have one or more components. Each flow is serial application of each of its components; the output of each component in the flow is the input to the next component. Lvg allows single flows or multiple parallel flows. A flow can be setup by the following steps:
The following example shown adding y flow component to current flow (-f:B) to form a flow as -f:B:y
The following output options are available for Lvg.
The web page for output options (as shown below) can be accessed by clicking on the input option link:
Type in term to be mutated through the setup flow
Type in the term to be mutated to the input box.
Click on the "Lvg" button" (or hit return key) to get the result.
For example, the input term is "ear" with two parallel flows -f:n -f:B:y and show category anems and inflection name output options. The results are shown as follows.