Web Norm tool is a word or string normalization tool run on web browser. A detail step by step instruction are provided as follows:
Access the URL of web Norm tool
The following input options are available for Norm.
The web page for input options (as shown below) can be accessed by clicking on the input option link:
The following global behavior options are available for Norm.
The web page for global behavior options (as shown below) can be accessed by clicking on the global behavior option link:
The following output options are available for Norm.
The web page for output options (as shown below) can be accessed by clicking on the output option link:
Type in the term to be normalized to the input box.
Click on the "Norm" button" (or hit return key) to get the result.
An example of input term is "Hodgkin's Diseases, NOS" with showing details information of norm operations is shown as follows: